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Drafting of Legal Documents

Drafting of Legal Documents

Legal drafting is a writing process that manipulates facts to achieve a predictable and planned legal result that client desires. “My Rupee Mantra’s” legal team prepare documents that make the law operate in such a manner as to accomplish the client’s goals.

Legal Drafting Process
• Identify the issues and understand the client’s goals.
• Identify the facts that define what must be addressed in the document.
• Research the law: (a) implicated by the facts; and (b) implicated by the subject matter of the document.
• Use the law and facts to state the terms of the document that will accomplish the client’s goals.
• Communicate the terms to the client.

Specific Steps in Legal Drafting

My Rupee Mantra” legal experts follow these steps:
• Obtain information from the client and other sources necessary to fully understand the client’s goals/objectives and the commercial context in which the parties operate.
• Prepare a rough draft expressing the basic agreement the client contemplates.
• Analyse the rough draft and the applicable law to identify planning and structuring opportunities available to the client.
• Redraft the agreement by applying the applicable law to accomplish the client’s planning, structuring, and underlying business goals.
• Use the client to test the document to ensure it will be appropriate for their business needs, including the client’s administration of the document
• Edit and revise the document to ensure the deal is stated using a format and language that are clear, concise, and functional.

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