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Trade Mark

TRADE MARKS are special unique signs that are used to identify goods or services from a certain company. They can be designs, pictures, signs or even expressions. It is important because it differentiates a client’s products from the competitors. It can be associated with client’s brand or product.

Trade Marks are classified as intellectual property and therefore is protected from infringement. Trademarks and its rights are protected by the Trademark Act’1999.

To get the protection of trademark rights one has to register the trademark. It is important to register your trademark because it prevents others from copying the client’s mark and misrepresenting other products with its mark. Trademarks help the customers to recognise the brand and the brand value in one look.

My Rupee Mantra” experts create mantras for its clients to get their trademark or logo or design(s) registered in a way. The experts also help in designing the logo and trademark of the client by understanding their business and its present and future requirements.

ISO Certification

ISO Certification is a seal of approval from a Third-Party body that a company runs to one of the International Standards developed and published by the INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION (ISO).

ISO is an independent, non-government International Organization who brings together experts to share knowledge and develop International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.

ISO Certification shows your key stakeholders that you have a well-run business that has structure, it stable and ready for growth.

Each ISO Standard has its own benefits, for example:
• ISO 9001 helps put your customers first.
• ISO 27001 protects your systems, data and reputation.
• ISO 14001 reduces your environmental impact.
• ISO 45001 helps you protect your people.
• ISO 22301 protects your business from disruption.

Benefits Across All Iso Standards

• Increased Efficiency
• Reduced Costs
• Improved Customer Satisfaction
• More engaged employees
• Reduced risks
• Reduced Insurance Premiums
• Helps with tendering

My Rupee Mantra” experts understand the business requirements of the clients, access them and create mantras to obtain the ISO Certification(s) so that their business is committed to achieve their objectives with increased credibility and customer satisfaction in their products and services.

My Rupee Mantra is one of the leading Financial Consultancy The Company’s promoter has more than 40 years of experience in the field of Retail Banking, MSME Advances/ Loans and management of stressed assets.